Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why sould we build a body ?

Body building did not become quite famous during the reign of the legend Arnold.There were a few people who loved body building.But now the scene has changed as many people have started to do body building.This sport has got many things that draw the people into it.People have become interested in having a well developed physique.The abdominal exercises can avoid the excess fat not only in the belly but also in other parts of the body.The treadmill practice can increase your stamina and also keep you in shape.Some do aggressive body building to have an awesome physique.Once they see their body muscles growing they become crazy and they become hungry for more.Wearing tight T shirts after developing big protruding muscles has become a fashion.Also body building keeps you away from diseases.


If you’ve been trying to build chest muscle but aren’t seeing the gains you were looking for then there are a few key steps you can take to build chest muscle in lightning speed.

How to Build Chest Muscle Step I – Dissect your chest work out

If you want to build chest muscle you have to dissect your chest workout. Your chest which consists of your pectorals “pecs” are pretty big muscles, which means you’re going to have work out different parts of your chest “one at a time” if you want maximum results and the fastest gains possible.

It’s real simple. All you have to do is break down your chest workout or chest exercises to work out the 4 main parts of your chest. These 4 parts are your upper chest, your lower chest, your inner chest and your outer chest. Here are a few exercises you can use to build chest muscle very quickly.

Upper Chest Muscle Exercises

* Incline Barbell Bench press - Military Dumbbell Presses - Incline Dumbbell Flyes

Lower Chest Muscle Exercises

* Decline Barbell Bench press - Parallel Bar Dips - Decline Dumbbell Flyes

Inner Chest Muscle Exercises

* Standing Cable Crossovers - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes

Outer Chest Muscle Exercises

* Flat Bench Barbell Presses - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes

By dissecting your chest workout in this way you will not only build chest muscle fast but you build ALL the different areasof your chest muscle which leads to a bigger, stronger and wider chest.

How to Build Chest Muscle Step II – Work Your Chest to Failure
If you want to build chest muscle, you have to train your chest to failure. If you don’t know what I mean, it’s very simple. You have to push your chest muscles to the point where it is unable to do any more reps on its own during that set.

This is why you also NEED a spotter – someone to help you when your muscles fail during an exercise. For example, if you’re bench pressing and your muscles fail halfway on your last rep, you want someone there to assist you, so you can keep pushing even though your muscles have failed – that’s the key to unlocking HUGE muscle gains.

When you train your chest muscle to failure like this, your body says “Woe, I better start sending more nutrients (protein, water, calories, etc.) to build my chest muscles so next time we deal with this stress (weight training to failure), it won’t be as strenuous as last time”. Training like this can and will lead to HUGE chest muscle gains quickly.

How to Build Chest Muscle Step III
– Don’t Cheat on Your “Negatives”
What are “negatives”? – Negatives are the eccentric or lowering phase of your particular exercise. For example, if you were bench pressing, your negative would be when you are lowering the barbell once you’ve reached the top. In other words, negative is the motion you take after you have contracted your targeted muscle (in this case lowering the barbell after we have contracted our chest muscle to push the barbell to the top).

Most people use gravity during negatives instead of having a controlled movement downward. This is what I call “cheating your negatives” and it’s also hazardous to your muscles. Think about it, if you just finished pushing a 150lb barbell upward, it’ll be pretty dangerous and “useless” when you’re trying to build muscle if you just relaxed your chest muscles as soon as you were about to lower that barbell it.

Instead, take your time and bring the weight down in a controlled motion and try to really feel the burning in your chest muscle as you lower the weight thus stretching and really targeting your chest muscles as a result.

Remember, it’s not quantity but quality. Think about it, you could lift 30 pounds ten times with poor form or 30 pounds six times with proper form, and you would notice much better results with the latter example

So don’t cheat yourself out of building the massive chest you desire by cheating on your negatives – this is when much of the pressure is being put on your muscles, so don’t “wimp out”.

To anyone who wants to learn how to build chest muscle and quickly at that simply follow these 3 simple steps and you’ll be on the road to a massive chest in no time.


Switch one drink to de-caff – 0 minutes

I’m not suggesting you quit caffeine full stop – just switch one of your daily coffees to a de-caffeinated version. It’s a little change which takes no time at all, and which you’ll hardly notice after a couple of days.

If you’re trying to cut down considerably on caffeine, do it gradually. For instance, if you currently drink six coffees per day, switch to five regular and one de-caffeinated this week, then cut down a bit more next week, and so on.

Bonus: Do the same thing with one regular soda – switch to a diet version, or flavored water. It might take your taste buds a week or two to adapt, but stick with it!
Grab a piece of fruit – 1 minute

Next time you’re feeling peckish, grab a piece of fruit. This takes a minute at most – probably just a few seconds. If you keep a bowl of fruit close at hand, it’s a very easy snack!

Eating more fruit will:

* Ensure you get enough vitamins, vital for health
* Boost your fiber intake, improving your digestion
* Help fill you up between meals for minimum calories

Bonus: Keep a bottle of water on your desk so that it’s within easy reach. You’ll find yourself sipping more and staying hydrated during the day – reducing the urge to snack. (Many of us mistake mild thirst for hunger.)
Brush your teeth (properly) – 4 minutes

Hopefully, you already brush your teeth twice a day. If you’re being totally honest, though, there are probably times when you don’t manage that – or when “brushing” is just a quick swipe round your mouth with the tooth brush.

Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth for two minutes. Try timing yourself next time you brush yours: chances are, you’re not brushing for long enough.

Bonus: Don’t forget to floss daily too.
Meditate – 5 minutes

In recent years, meditation has become much more mainstream. Proven health benefits – like decreased stress – are pretty attractive to most of us! But because we’re busy, we often don’t take the time to sit and quieten our minds.

If you’re uncertain about what meditation involves, and want an easy introduction, try 6 Tips for People Who Don’t Have Time to Meditate.

Meditation really isn’t a “woo-woo” new agey activity. It’s just a way to get some space and perspective in your life through a few minutes of precious calm.

Bonus: Many people – not just those who follow a particular religion – find it helpful to read a little from a spiritual or inspirational text each day.
Take a brisk walk – 10 minutes

Let’s face it, most of us should do more exercise. The trouble is, just thethought of the gym can be stressful. Perhaps you don’t have time after work, or you don’t want to follow a vigorous routine.

One of the best things you can do for your health is to walk. Walking won’t put as much stress on your joints as other cardio activities, you can do it in your normal clothes, and you can easily go faster or slower depending on your fitness level. Just ten minutes is enough to see physical and mental benefits.

Bonus: Find ways to incorporate walking into your daily routine, so that it doesn’t take up extra time. (Get off the bus a stop earlier, or walk to the local store instead of driving, for instance.)

Do you have any quick wins for extra health and energy? Share them with us in the comments … and let us know how many minutes they’ll take on a daily or weekly basis!

1 comment:

  1. Most entrepreneurs and solopreneurs that I have facilitated in the last 14 years are uninformed about meditation and health. Their goal is to be financially successful. However, when they hit a bump in the road which may cost them mega bucks, is only when they seek help to slow down.

    shim sung
